Elizabethtown College Lecturer of English Erica Dolson recently published a flash memoir, “Chance of Showers,” in the online literary journal, Bright Flash Literary Review.

“I’m so excited that this short memoir came as a result of taking risks and trying new things with my writing,” Dolson said. “I owe a special thanks to my writing group, whose detailed, honest feedback helped with my revision process.”

A flash memoir is a short, creative nonfiction work that generally consists of pieces under 1,000 words.

Dolson’s memoir centers around living alone and reflects on the simple joys of an independent lifestyle. She first began working on this piece with a personal anecdote in mind and the intention of exploring new narrative techniques, including writing from second-person point of view, and working in the flash form.

The short memoir is available to read on the Bright Flash Literary Review website.