E-town will host the coalition’s monthly meeting in January

On Wednesday, Jan. 29, Elizabethtown College’s Criminal Justice program will partner with the Lancaster County Re-Entry Coalition (LCRC) to host its monthly meeting on the college campus.

LCRC provides resources, mentoring and opportunities for individuals who are returning to the community after incarceration. Elizabethtown College students attend the coalition’s monthly meetings to gain real-world experience in their desired field. The College partners with LCRC and Elizabethtown Borough Police Department to support their programming for the rehabilitation of citizen re-entrants and known issues relating to housing, addiction recovery, employment, and civil rights.

“This partnership is in many ways the cornerstone of our enhanced criminal justice program that is focusing on the post-incarceration experience in the criminal justice system,” Elizabethtown College Professor of Sociology Conrad Kanagy said.

Joining the meeting to offer insights on addiction and substance abuse policies will be Dr. Derek Kreager, Director, Criminal Justice Research Center at The Pennsylvania State University and Elizabethtown Borough Police Chief Ed Cunningham.

Discover more about the Criminal Justice program at E-town.

What: The Lancaster County Re-Entry Coalition Monthly Meeting
When: Wednesday, Jan. 29, 1 to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Susquehanna Room, Elizabethtown College campus.