The Elizabethtown College Honors Council recently named Assistant Director of Academic Advising Curtis Smith as the recipient of the 2023-24 Outstanding Professor Award.

“The Outstanding Professor Award is a tremendous honor,” Smith said. “There are so many wonderful professors here at Etown and I’m thankful to be part of such a great team.”

Smith serves as an academic advisor for exploring students and teaches and advises students in the First Year Intensive Advising Seminar program in addition to teaching several English courses.

“Within the period, I try to make sure everyone feels comfortable and engaged,” Smith said. “I stress that there’s no single way to approach art, and I strive to expose students to the many different ways one can access their creative side. I do my best to be both challenging and nurturing.”

The award is presented by the Honors Council, a student governing body for the Honors Program. The Honors Council noted that Smith is accommodating to students of all disciplines within his honors creative writing course and encourages everyone to put their best work forth. Additionally, even after taking his class, Smith reaches out to his former students and makes time for any questions they have.

A member of the Honors Council noted, “I had Professor Smith in a course last fall, and it was a very supportive environment. I always felt as though my best interests were at heart.”