Elizabethtown College Honors students in Director of Special Programs and Prestigious Scholarships & Fellowships Professor Jean-Paul Benowitz’s Honors 201 class, cross-listed with Public Heritage Studies 201: Elizabethtown History: Campus and Community, recently presented the scholarship they produced to inform public policy regarding public works projects and historic preservation in the National Historic District of Marietta, Pa.
The research poster presentation took place during the College’s annual Scholarship and Creative Arts Day (SCAD) on April 26.

L-R: Patrick O’Brien, Abigail Sholes, Kyle Cappucci, Caellie Cobb, Cassandra Peris, Professor Benowitz, Gavin McCabe, Emilie Brinser, Madaline Shaffer, Ezekiel Ciafre, Samantha Phillips, Ruth Jacob, Jordan Lilly, Hunter Reidenbach, Eric Schubert, Jackson Lager.
Their project, “Market Street Marietta, Pennsylvania: 300 Years of Economics Along the Susquehanna River,” is part of a national campaign called, “This Place Matters,” which is sponsored by the National Historic Preservation Trust.
“This project is a great illustration of the Honors program’s motto, ‘Learn, Serve, Lead,’’ explained Benowitz. “Marietta Borough leaders and residents came to campus for SCAD to see/hear the student’s presentations and then organized a way for the students’ scholarship to be shared with the local community in Marietta. This is a wonderful example of the benefits of Community Based Learning courses, as it relates to the mission of the Honors Program and the mission of Etown.
“It is also a great way to highlight how the Honors Program is employing best practices from the National Honors Collegiate Council’s pedagogy ‘City As Text’ which fits so well with our Honors Program curricular emphasis on civic engagement, particularly with the local community, and having students act on what they learn.”
The posters presented at SCAD are part of a traveling exhibit throughout Marietta beginning with an exhibition from April 29 to May 1 called, “River Towns Plein Air & Art Exhibit,” at the Marietta Community House.