Elizabethtown College Professor of Physics Mark Stuckey, Professor of Mathematics Tim McDevitt, and Professor of Philosophy Michael Silberstein recently published a paper continuing their research on their quest to understand quantum mechanics.

The three Etown professors previously explained quantum entanglement using the relativity principle in a Scientific Reports article that was published in September 2020. In this follow-up paper, “No Preferred Reference Frame at the Foundation of Quantum Mechanics,” their goal was to determine if the relativity principle might appear at the foundation of quantum mechanics, thereby explaining all of quantum mechanics. In their most recent paper, they show that it does.

Throughout the past 17 years that the professors have worked together, Stuckey has always enjoyed their ability to draw on each other’s expertise. He believes expertise in physics, math, and philosophy is all needed to do their work.

“Quantum mechanics is the basis for most of today’s science and technology, e.g., astrophysics, computer hardware, nanotechnology, chemistry, and molecular biology,” said Stuckey. “Thus, to fully understand today’s scientific worldview, one needs to understand quantum mechanics. Since we all teach courses related to the scientific worldview, we are all motivated to try and understand quantum mechanics.”

View the non-technical video abstract of their paper.