Elizabethtown College Assistant Professor of PK-12 New Literacies Kathryn Caprino and Early Childhood Education major Alyssa Marzili ’22 recently collaborated to create a blog post about using digital stories in middle grades classrooms.

The blog post, Assessing Digital Stories in the Middle Grades, is featured on MiddleWeb, a website all about middle school and the middle grades, with a focus on teaching and learning in grades 4-8.

Caprino wrote an introductory article about digital storytelling with one of her previous students, Sam Weigle ’19, who shared her experiences using digital storytelling in her middle grades classroom. The blog she wrote with Alyssa is a follow-up piece in which they share how to think about assessing digital storytelling.

“We know that digital stories allow students to tell their stories in multiple modes,” said Caprino. “These stories are created and shared in ways that are different than traditional, print-based stories, and this is attractive for many students.”

Caprino shared that the fresh perspective students like Marzili bring to the table always makes it fun to collaborate with them.