Elizabethtown College will offer a new, more sustainable takeout option on campus this fall. Dining Services has partnered with Planet OZZI, a leading food service company that offers a revolutionary dining system eliminating traditional disposable take-out containers on college campuses by utilizing enhanced technology. This enhancement is designed to eliminate waste, save cost, and increase efficiency for takeout dining on campus.
Using the OZZI system, all members of the campus community who hold a valid Etown ID are able to check out NSF-certified, microwave safe, dishwasher safe, and FDA approved to-go containers as a takeout option in the Marketplace. The containers can then be returned to designated receptacles located in the Jay’s Nest.
To utilize this option, guests can swipe their Etown ID or pay for their meal as they enter the Marketplace, grab an OZZI to-go container, and have the host scan the barcode prior to selecting their meal. They can then scan their Etown ID as they exit. Once finished with the container, they can return it to OZZI receptacles located in the Jay’s Nest. All containers must be scanned into the receptacle. All containers should be emptied and rinsed out prior to returning.
Members of the campus community are also able to bring guests to utilize the program. Guests will follow the same procedure and will be required to scan their host’s Etown ID. Any containers checked for a guest are the responsibility of the host to be returned. A maximum of three containers may be checked out at once.