Maya Aphornsuvan ’18 had her research “Critiquing in the Classroom” published on the blog Practicum: Critical Theory, Religion, and Pedagogy.
Oya Dursun-Ozkanca, associate professor of political science, was interviewed for the story “Turkey to Receive First Pair of F-35 Jets Despite Senate Opposition” in Globe Post.
Richard Fellinger, Fellow in The Writing Wing, published “Let Trump officials eat their meals in peace” on the public treatment of political opponents.
Armenta Hinton, director of diversity, inclusion and Title IX, was featured in the Diverse Issues in Higher Education article “Chief Diversity Officers Cite Take-Aways from Institute.”
April Kelly-Woessner, professor of political science and department chair, wrote the column “A closer look at spiraling income inequality and its consequences.”
Kyle Kopko ’05, associate professor of political science and assistant dean for academic achievement and engagement, was interview by LNP for the article “Would RFK have won the Democratic nomination,” which was picked up by the Community Media Group and ran in DuBois Courier-Express; KPVI; Bradford Era; St. Joseph News-Press; News of Delaware County; Indiana Gazette; Wellsboro Gazette;; Glenside News Globe Times Chronicle and Yardley News.
He also was interviewed for the LNP article “Will the SCOTUS gerrymandering rulings impact Pennsylvania?,” on WITF’s Smart Talk to discuss redistricting of voting maps. The piece also was featured on Transforming Health.
Celestino Limas, vice president for student life, was featured in the Merchandiser article “College Hires Vice President.”
Jeffery Long, professor of religion and Asian studies, wrote the article “Why It’s Offensive to Offer a Lamb Dinner to the Hindu God Ganesha” for
He was also honored in “Hindu American Foundation holds gala, policy conference in Washington, D.C.” in the Indian Times.
Michael Long, associate professor of religious studies and director of peace and conflict studies, was featured in the article “New Mister Rogers film downplays his radical edge: ‘His work was deeply political’” in Salon and
Fletcher McClellan, professor of political science, was interviewed on the Pennsylvania Cable Network program, “On the Issues.” He discussed the Pennsylvania state budget, enacted ahead of the July 1 deadline for the first time in the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf.
McClellan also wrote the column “Trump firing Comey was a gift. It gave us Bob Mueller’s investigation” and “Why does EPA boss Scott Pruitt still have a job?” for PennLive.
Betty Rider, senior vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty, was quoted in the CPBJ article “Colleges add majors to respond to employer needs.”
Michael Roy, associate professor of psychology, had research featured in the article “Hey Jersey, move over already. N.J. drivers set a record last year for ‘left lane hog’ tix.”
The College was mentioned in the following:
- “Elizabethtown announces SAS joint certificate program for data analytics” in University Business
- “College Announces New Joint Certificate For Data Analytics” in the Elizabethtown Advocate
- “Elizabethtown, Reading community college to offer dual-admission program” in CPBJ
- “RACC Signs Dual Admissions Agreement with DeSales University” on Berks Community Television