Elizabethtown College can claim two more Fulbrights for 2015, in addition to five–three students and two professors–announced this past spring.
Justin Ahmad, who graduated with the class of 2015 with a degree in Spanish was named a Fulbrighter to Brazil. He leaves for the country in February and will spend nine months teaching college students to become English teachers. He returns to the United States in November. The Dundalk, Md., alum graduated from Kenwood High School and, while at Elizabethtown, spent a year studying in Mexico on a study-abroad grant. He also earned a distinguished student award through the Office of Prestigious Scholarships.
Upon his return from Brazil, Ahmad plans to head to grad school to pursue a doctorate. He’d like to teach Spanish at the college level.
Jonathan Rudy, the Peacemaker-in-Residence at the College’s Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking, has been accepted for the Fulbright Specialists list. The Specialists Program promotes links between U.S. scholars and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions overseas. The Specialists are experts in their field who are pre-approved for short term—3 to 6 weeks—technical requests for projects that Fulbright offices receive.
Rudy was placed on the roster in June and will remain on the list as a possible resource for the next five years. His area of specialty is Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies and Specialization: Peacebuilding.