Elizabethtown College received mention in Penn Live’s article, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Day events in Central Pennsylvania, posted Jan. 15. The article described the activities that took place during Elizabethtown College’s week-long MLK celebration and conference.
Elizabethtown College’s MLK Day Celebration was featured on Jan. 19 in a Lancaster Online article, Choral concert kicks off Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrations. The College’s events included discussions about King at the High Library and a reenactment of a civil rights march.
Dr. Michael Long, associate professor of religious studies, was asked to comment on Dr. Martin Luther King in the CNN.com article, The greatest MLK speeches you never heard. In the article, posted Jan. 20, Long remarked on King’s “Letter to Coretta.”
Kyle Minor, an award-winning writer, had his upcoming visit to Elizabethtown College highlighted in Lancaster Online’s article, Short-story writer to read in Elizabethtown. Minor will present his new short story collection, “Praying Drunk,” at 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30 at the College’s Bowers Writers House.
“E-town in the News” is a semi-regular hand-curated collection of links to recent articles, appearances and publications from other media outlets that feature people of Elizabethtown. Have an item to report? Email now@etown.edu.