Three well-known cyber security experts will share their expertise at the Ware Seminar on Cyber Security at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, in the KAV at Elizabethtown College. The seminar examines cyber capabilities and how they may be affecting our lives.
“[Cyber security] was chosen because of allegations of Chinese cyber hacking and cyber spying last spring,” said Dr. David Kenley, director of the Center for Global Understanding and Peace Making at E-town.
The incidents involving Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks, in recent years in the United States, has made cyber security a hot topic, forcing U.S. citizens to understand that it’s not just something that happens in other countries.
“This topic was chosen because of allegations of Chinese cyber hacking and cyber spying last spring.” –Kenley
Experts include Scott Borg, John Smith and Ian Wallace. Borg is director of the U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit, an independent, non-profit research institute; Smith is senior counsel with Raytheon Co., an American defense contractor; and Wallace is a visiting fellow for Cyber Security with the Center for 21st-Century Security and Intelligence in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings Institution.
Joseph Wunderlich, associate professor of engineering, at Elizabethtown College, will moderate the panel. E-town students submitted questions in advance for the panelists to answer. The Center has received about 80 questions, including topics on political and legal ramifications, trade and security. The panelists will answer select questions based on their own expertise.
“This seminar shows the Center’s attempt to bring topics of current international and peacemaking to many disciplines that have not previously been involved with the Ware Seminars,” said Kenley.
The Ware Seminars are typically held two to three times throughout each academic school year. These seminars encourage students and the community to get involved in topics associated to global and social justice. The topics are relevant to the mission of the Center, which involves understanding contemporary, historical and global events and understanding various issues related to peacemaking.
The seminar is sponsored by the Center for Global Understanding and Peace Making and Judy and Paul Ware. It is free to the public.
For more information contact Kay Wolf at or 717-361-1147 or David Kenley at or 717-361-1238.